All posts by Tallyn

Tallyn Wesner is currently pursuing a DMA in clarinet performance at Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University and studies with Maureen Hurd-Hause. She holds a Masters of Music from The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (student of Marina Sturm) and a Bachelors of Music from The University of New Mexico (student of Keith Lemmons). She has also studied with David Howard of the Los Angeles Philharmonic and Maxine Ramey at The University of Montana. While working on her Masters, she held the principal clarinet seat of the Henderson Symphony Orchestra and freelanced with various local groups, including Sin City Opera and the Las Vegas Civic Orchestra. When not at Mason Gross, she can likely be found in the city, attending a performance of magnanimous substance.

*ockeghem* bless you!


It seems only fitting to begin in the land of beginning-ish.  While working on my Masters degree, I had this really fantastic idea: “Why not take a survey course on Medieval/Renaissance Music?!”  It seemed like a hilariously terrible idea at the time… which is why I went with it. Continue reading *ockeghem* bless you!

i can name that beethoven in 3 notes!

beethoven themes 1 thru 6

Beethoven Themes: Symphonies 1 – 6

I SEVERELY need to revisit this, and complete it with 7-9, sooner rather than later.

Beethoven and I seem like mere acquaintances… I feel fairly comfortable identifying his symphonies, but he wrote so much more and it’s kind of inexcusable for me to be borderline completely oblivious to the remainder of his output– string quartets I’m looking at you!  I think I might make the first step and start a bit of a flirtmance with him over winter break.

I’ve got my eye on you Beethoven, sir… *wink wink*

studies: old and new

october 18

I’ve been working on a couple of projects this semester, both are super clarinetty.  Before I start diving into too many directions, I figure I should go through old papers and salvage what I can from what I’ve come to accept as “truth.”

Since I’ve gone through a few hard drives and reformatting mishaps over the course of the past 10 or so years, this might be an interesting task!  But, with any luck I’ll find a few things and can use them to get the ball rolling on this.